Texas Longhorn Newsletter Archiv


Longhorns, Love & Liability

Von Charly Bonifaz

Longhorn owners often express their immense love and affection enjoyed when raising and interacting with their matchless Texas Longhorn cattle. While no one openly disagrees with those who strongly love their cattle, there are some good ways to love cattle but also some bad, wrong ways. It impresses city people to hand feed, pet, touch and scratch a massive horned critter. ...

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Expand the Ranch With Lease Land

Von Charly Bonifaz

Young people who dream of being Hoss Cartwright or John Wayne may want to own a ranch extending as far as the eye can see, but they don't live in an 1880 opportunity. Today, unless one inherits wealth or ranch land, the only way to start a valid cattle business is with leased land. However, that isn't hard. Many have  ...

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Cow Of The Year

Von Charly Bonifaz

The Futurity Money Earner's of 2022 list is complete. With the final data published by Bear Davidson, the Dickinson Cattle Co cow, Under Handed, won the COW OF THE YEAR award in her division. She produced progeny with the most dollars won during the Futurity Show year of 22 different events, ...

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Line Up

Von Charly Bonifaz

LINE UP comes from deep in the DCC herd of strong black, trim and thick cattle. Horns on 11-29-22 measure 85" T2T. The most challenging achievement in the TL industry is a ton plus bull with over 90" T2T. Time Line, his sire is the forth ton+90" bull in history. Line up will be one of the widest horned true black TL bulls. LINE UP's first daughter sold topping the Millennium Sale at $21,500 as a yearling. His ...

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Tail Bleeding

Von Charly Bonifaz

This was a demonstration for the 2019 Customer Appreciation Day at Dickinson Cattle Co. Each year several hands-on demos are prepared to educate and help clients to do the business. Tail bleeding can be used for any health testing needing blood. Any person can draw the blood. Many tail bleed for Johne's testing and preg checking. ...

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Dickinson Cattle Co., Inc.; 35000 Muskrat Rd.; Barnesville, OH 43713; 740 758-5050