TLH - Newsletter (englisch)
Used courtesy of Dickinson Cattle Co. USA

Artificial Insemination—Yes, or absolutely No!

Erstellt am: von Longhorn

DCC Ranch e-News #396 - 2-18-2025

by Darol Dickinson

ARTIFICIAL INSEMINATION (AI) is not new. It has been widely used since the 1940s. In fact nearly 100% of all record high producing dairy cows world-wide are conceived by AI.

From the earliest times Texas Longhorn conceptions were a migration of processes from multiple sire herds, single sire herds, AI, embryo transfer, cloning, and IVF. Cloning and IVF are the most costly. Single sire is the least effort, yet AI is the most talked about, versatile and popular. All of which have assisted in creation of great breed-leading specimens.

To compare results will confuse the best thinkers. Cowboy Tuff Chex, Jam Box, Silent Iron, 3S Danica, Galore Gala, Fiddle Sticks, Top Star, Clear Point, etc., were natural service conceived. Kid Rock, Tempter, Overwhelmer, Phenomenon, Drag Iron, Cut’n Dried, Drop Box, Colluder, Fast Stuff, etc., were AI conceptions.

Multiple sire herds assume the highest conception. When 2 to a dozen bulls service a cow, that is really guaranteeing a conception, but for a registered herd no one knows the correct sire without the cost and aggravation of DNA.

Dr. Nathan Steiner evaluates fresh flushed embryos at the Dickinson Cattle Co lab.
Dr. Nathan Steiner evaluates fresh flushed embryos at the Dickinson Cattle Co lab.

Cloning is a cost of $15,000 or more. It does no damage to the donor and a duplicate of the original critter’s DNA is born. Amazingly consistent, yet slight variations.

In vitro fertilization (IVF) is the last resort for a great cow who has been damaged with a breech birth. It is costly, but some genetics may be salvaged. Repeated flushing using IVF has been the demise of some really great cows who eventually became totally sterile. It is the most stressing of any type of reproduction to the cows long term production, mostly due to over flushing, too often.

Embryo transfer has been very successful to ship genetics around the world. If cows are allowed some time between flushes they may not suffer long term damage allowing for many future natural births. Again, multiple flushes has eleminated the fertility of many wonderful cows.

Single sire is the most used world wide. This is one bull with one cow herd. From TLBAA records of 2022, they registered 8641 calves from natural service, 280 from artificial insemination and 185 from embryo transfer. Virtually all embryo transfers use AI so adding them together equals 465—a percentage of 5.3% use of AI. In commercial beef herds the percent of AI is just slightly over 3%.

Advantages of single sire use is that the bull does the job day or night, wind or snow. He is out with the cows doing his job.

The average cattle herd in the USA is 18 head. Although articles are written about herds of thousands of cattle, the one and two show calf herds make it average 18 head.

It is one thing to buy a natural service sire and breed 60 cows, then another to breed 4 cows. Normal business thinking is that no one can afford the best bull in the breed for 4 cows. That is where AI can come in. On the other hand, one would be foolish with a 60 cow herd not to acquire a very high quality bull—maybe a high dollar well advertised bull. It has to amortize out.

Artificial Insemination of cattle requires more planning; more pieces to the puzzle. It requires locating an inseminator who will show up and AI breed cows on time. Heat cycles have to be carefully identified with heat patches or some other method.

IC Biomedical Semen Storage Tank. ICB 34XT. Holds 540 straws for 340 days between LN fills. Only fill once a year.
IC Biomedical Semen Storage Tank. ICB 34XT. Holds 540 straws for 340 days between LN fills. Only fill once a year.

Most veterinarians are well trained to AI cows and most have their own semen storage tanks. However vets can make a lot more money casting a cat’s broken leg than AIing a cow. Locating a local dairy staff person who may AI 20 cows a month can be a savings to help make a good solid AI plan. Most producers who raise registered or show cattle have a staff AI experienced person.

AI requires no bull, yet the purchasing of bull semen. Rather than having every calf sired by the same bull, semen can be purchased to genetically compliment different cows to assist in breed improvement. There are over 1300 Texas Longhorn sires approved for AI. That is a lot to select from. Yet, only less than 60 of these AI Enrolled Sires are popular for AI use. Some bulls are collected and no semen is ever used.

A squeeze chute is needed to AI. In fact a squeeze is needed for almost all cattle procedures, or branding, vaccinations, etc. Seldom will any vet do a farm call unless a safe confinement squeeze is available.

The Bry Chute side squeeze is ideal to AI horned cattle. Safe careful confinement for professional AI use.
The Bry Chute side squeeze is ideal to AI horned cattle. Safe careful confinement for professional AI use.

Selecting semen is like a high level chess game. Semen is priced from $10 to over $1000. Some is priced reasonable and some semen is very over-priced. Some sire owners price semen high to limit the progeny on the market. Some is priced high due to a limited supply, normally on older or deceased bulls. Some is priced very high for no good reason and seldom does anyone buy it. Just because the price is high doesn’t necessarily reflect on the value of the bull—maybe the bull owner is not familiar with the semen market?

Although some semen is $300 per straw and up, some very good bulls can be bought from $50 to $100. Some young unproven bulls have an introductory low price to encourage numerous progeny. There are some great bulls available at $100. Sexed female semen is priced higher yet some well respected bulls are priced from $150 to $200 per female straw. Using female sexed semen will yield up to 99% heifer calves, yet this eliminates the chance of raising a great herd sire.

Starting an AI program with $300 to $500 semen is a brave thing, considering no conception rate is 100%. It may take two straws per live calf so that doubles the semen costs. Perhaps lower priced semen to start could be a savings.

Semen can be bought with special selections for each cow. A herd of 6 cows could be bred to 6 different great bulls. That is a very special advantage. With AI the up-front cost may be $100 per straw instead of the higher price of a nice bull. Some find that math very appealing. Frozen semen can be shipped anywhere in a liquid nitrogen special shipper tank by UPS. It can be sent to the designated AI technician for storage until use. Be safe and allow 2 weeks to receive a UPS semen order.

Future considerations may include buying a semen storage tank, or enrolling in an AI school and doing the AI yourself?

Some fun things will happen and maybe some enjoyable profits to raise a pasture of calves all sired by the most famous bulls in the world. It has happened. It can happen.

Dickinson Cattle Co., Inc.; 35000 Muskrat Rd.; Barnesville, OH 43713; 740 758-5050