Selecting semen is like a high level chess game. Semen is priced from $10 to over $1000. Some is priced reasonable and some semen is very over-priced. Some sire owners price semen high to limit the progeny on the market. Some is priced high due to a limited supply, normally on older or deceased bulls. Some is priced very high for no good reason and seldom does anyone buy it. Just because the price is high doesn’t necessarily reflect on the value of the bull—maybe the bull owner is not familiar with the semen market?
Although some semen is $300 per straw and up, some very good bulls can be bought from $50 to $100. Some young unproven bulls have an introductory low price to encourage numerous progeny. There are some great bulls available at $100. Sexed female semen is priced higher yet some well respected bulls are priced from $150 to $200 per female straw. Using female sexed semen will yield up to 99% heifer calves, yet this eliminates the chance of raising a great herd sire.
Starting an AI program with $300 to $500 semen is a brave thing, considering no conception rate is 100%. It may take two straws per live calf so that doubles the semen costs. Perhaps lower priced semen to start could be a savings.
Semen can be bought with special selections for each cow. A herd of 6 cows could be bred to 6 different great bulls. That is a very special advantage. With AI the up-front cost may be $100 per straw instead of the higher price of a nice bull. Some find that math very appealing. Frozen semen can be shipped anywhere in a liquid nitrogen special shipper tank by UPS. It can be sent to the designated AI technician for storage until use. Be safe and allow 2 weeks to receive a UPS semen order.
Future considerations may include buying a semen storage tank, or enrolling in an AI school and doing the AI yourself?
Some fun things will happen and maybe some enjoyable profits to raise a pasture of calves all sired by the most famous bulls in the world. It has happened. It can happen.