In 1967, coming on 57 years ago, when our family acquired our first registered Texas Longhorn cattle, things were different. Our cows had between 27 and 32" horn T2T, cows weighed 700 to 800 lbs, weaning calves weighed about 250 lbs., and some had a disposition that almost required a cape to handle them. With careful weighing, measuring and old-fashioned eye-balling this wonderful breed has moved fast forward. Horn is the easiest virtue to calculate and place on a data spread sheet.
The site is a wealth of data with every "factoid" and list one could dream of. The analytical mind of Craig Perez never ends as it is zeroed in on every milla-whackey of horn info. Arrowhead is the gold standard of Texas Longhorn horn data. No association had the budget to accumulate this much horn data, nor ever will. Arrowhead isn't perfect--many great cattle were never measured, cattle died, cattle were not entered in the measuring events, and even today some people don't send their data in, fearing the competitive comparison.
Keep in mind Arrowhead is about horns. There is no data on weights, great value-colors, soundness, correct conformation or fertility. Of the multi-factor value considerations of this breed, Arrowhead hammers only the horn, but really does well to calculate it dead-on.
The Arrowhead data below is a gathering of bulls and cows measuring over 70", 80", 90" and 100." The accumulation is very telling for those serious about identifying horn development and where these genetics come from. Behind every great breed leading critter is a pedigree. The pedigrees tell the story. At Dickinson Cattle Co we are honored that Tuff Enough, owned by Joel Dickinson, from the crop of 2014 became the leading Gallery Of Horn high producer.