TLH - Newsletter (englisch)
Used courtesy of Dickinson Cattle Co. USA

TLMA joint ITLA Extravaganza
Erstellt am: von Longhorn

The TLMA joint ITLA Extravaganza in the Oklahoma City Cox Convention Center is in the history books. The chandeliers were shining, cattle were washed and fit for the contest, the food was awesome, people came from all over, and the cattle --- wow great cattle as far as the eye could see. This was the big league!! No tougher competition could have been dreamed of.
Weaving his way down through the famous bulls was the Dickinson Cattle Co young sire, Clear Win. It was his first time away from home. He had been with cows all summer -- over 80 beautiful females was his task. Now, just 1054 miles west of Barnesville, Ohio he gets compared with, measured, evaluated against hundreds of others, also the pride of their owner's pastures.

At any judged show or competition, in the end, the person handing out the championship trophy is often only inches away from the gate of elimination. It is a risk to win or lose. Great fame and promotion can come to the winners and the opposite to those who don't make the grade.
The TLMA World Championship is a horn measuring event with careful detail to tip to tip measurement, total horn, which measures around the curl, and horn base circumference. Measurements are calculated to 1/16th of an inch by a team of skilled, experienced horn masters. This event has built momentum for many years and has great influence on Texas Longhorn family popularity.

The multiplication factor for 2012 was the joint-event effort where TLMA measuring events and ITLA judged shows were combined. There were ITLA business meetings, educational seminars, banquets, awards presentations; all held right in the center of down town Oklahoma City. It was not a two ring circus, but a 5 ringer most of the time, starting early, and going late.
With a background on the color and glitter of the event, breeding age cattle were measured with palm sweating seriousness. When Texas Longhorn cattle have sold for well over $100,000, and when horn is a large deciding value factor, everyone who drover over 1000 miles to meet the fray were alert, to say the least.

When the DCCI entry,Clear Win entered the side squeeze measuring chute, prior to him the widest tip to tip bull in his division was LLL Lucky's Thunder at 76.25." The Clear Win official tip to tip was a record 81.25." At only 41 months 22 days no other bull was close to his massive rapid growth. For horn base circumference the gap widened --Clear Win measured exactly 19 13/16" on one horn and 18 11/16" on the other. No other bull of any age measured this large. A World Champion Complete horn category gave Clear Win another opportunity to show his excellence with a combined tip to tip, total horn (around the curve) and horn base circumferences -- a whopping 209 7/16." He was again World Champion in this division.
Following Clear Win's stellar performance the DCCI entry and over-the-fence pasture mate, Tempter measured an impressive 83 9/16" tip to tip with a 17 1/8" and 17 5/8" horn base. Tempter had more time to develop being seven years old.

Although Dickinson Cattle Co breeds for the total specimen, beef, correct conformation, disposition and horn it was exciting for the largest base circumference measured during the annual event to be the 3 year old Clear Win and second largest base was Tempter.
DCCI would like to compliment the management of TLMA and ITLA for this joint Extravaganza -- a professional presentation to be very proud of.
Now Clear Win is back at his pasture home in Ohio. As all the beautiful cattle were enjoying the warm Oklahoma weather the devastating Hurricane Sandy was trashing the east coast with powerful wind and rain. Clear Win is back to the simple life -- deep mud from Sandy, and hard pouring rain on his back, yet still sporting horns crowned World Champion at the toughest show of it's kind in the whole world.
Complete results of the WC show at this link.....
Dickinson Cattle Co., Inc.; 35000 Muskrat Rd.; Barnesville, OH 43713; 740 758-5050