TLH - Newsletter (englisch)
Used courtesy of Dickinson Cattle Co. USA

Statistics, Projections, and some useful data
Erstellt am: von Longhorn
DCC Ranch e-News #267 - 2-02-22
by Darol Dickinson
Memo: The data below is from livestock producers who filled out the government forms. The info is probably dead-on, but it leaves the taxpayer to evaluate what the heck does it all mean? Here are my thoughts. Add your own ideas to these projections.
- Up to 3% of agriculture land is being subdivided annually, roads are being built, reducing the number of acres for livestock and farm product use.
- Prices of livestock are going up. Ranchers are excited, mostly for no reason. As cattle prices inflate, equipment, feed, fuel and labor are inflating faster. Check what a new ranch truck costs?
- As agriculture acres are reduced those who own land will have more demand for their products and will be, in the long run, more profitable with less competition.
- The Globalists are pushing the 30 x 30 land grab. This plan by socialized government intends to acquire 30% of the USA land mass out of private ownership by 2030. The 30x30 land would be fallow, non producing, under government control. For those surviving, that will give them higher prices for anything related to food production. Surviving the government is what it is all about.
- It behooves each livestock producer to raise the highest quality and value of cattle on the acres of land owned. Low return values will need culling more than every.
- Breeds of cattle proven to utilize a large amount of non human consumable fiber will be the most profitable. If a livestock breed eats the same thing as people this will become in ill favor as land masses reduce.
- States with lower taxes per cow unit should be considered for re-location before these numbers continue to escalate.
- The government has encouraged imported meat products by allowing entry to the USA with less sanitary inspections than USA produced meats. This will further reduce profitability for USA livestock producers. Now over 20 percent of US consumed beef is imported with less or no sanitary inspections.
- More government regulations have been added on food producers in the last year than any year of history. Identifying products or services with less regulations will be significant to good profit.
- Diversification will save many ranches and farms. Everyone has to figure this out.
- Some think of subdividing agriculture property as the sin of all sins. Get over it. Subdividing less valuable properties into small building plots may save the balance of the ranch from the coming government squeeze.
God bless you,
Darol Dickinson

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