TLH - Newsletter (englisch)
Used courtesy of Dickinson Cattle Co. USA

Shadow Jubilee
Erstellt am: von Longhorn

Congratulations to Jim and Barbara Steffler of Lapeer, Michigan for their World Championship Div VII - Class A win at the 2012 Longhorn World Championship with their cow Shadow Jubilee. The Texas Longhorn queen-cow bested every cow in her division with a tip to tip of 89 -5/16." Also she topped the class with 98 - 7/16" for total horn around the curve and a third bronze trophy was captured for being the most Composite horn of all 4 measurements, a whopping 208 - 15/16."
Shadow Jubilee is a year 2000 born daughter of The Shadow, bred and raised at Dickinson Cattle Co Inc (DCCI) of Barnesville, Ohio. It was an honor to raise a great cow of superior excellence and to make her available to the Stefflers.
During her stay at DCCI the famous cow gave birth to several natural calves, embryo transfers and numerous clones were produced. Her grand and great grand progeny are saturated throughout the DCCI cow herd.
Ninety inches has been a prize measurement for a female in the Texas Longhorn breed. The question has been asked, "Will Jubilee make it?" With a small calculator, go figure, she is growing 1.5" per year -- just could do it after the first of the year.
The Longhorn World Championship was sponsored by the Texas Longhorn Marketing Alliance in the Cox Center, Oklahoma City, OK, October 26 & 27.

Dickinson Cattle Co., Inc.; 35000 Muskrat Rd.; Barnesville, OH 43713; 740 758-5050