Canned products are very popular with "Preservationists." Canned product that has been pressure cooked, sealed in a can--is proven to be the safest process for retaining foods. In 1939 cans of beef were opened from the Admiral Leopold McLintock sunken ship in 1857 and were preserved, edible and nutritious. That is 82 years.
Data you will not find on any beef, chicken, or pork product is our high omega 3 content on Texas Longhorn beef. By official USDA testing Dickinson Cattle Co, Texas Longhorn beef is zero carbs and 1.45 grams omega 3 per 3 oz serving. This applies to ground beef, canned beef, hot dog wieners, steaks, etc. This compares dead--on to wild caught salmon, but without the mercury warning label.
Some advertise "fresh ground" hamburgers. What does that mean? It means it is fresh ground--it does not mean it has never been frozen one, or several times. This is a tricky?
At Longhorns Head To Tail Store steers are processed, dry aged 14 days and fast frozen. Vacu-wrapped air tight. The clock stops at 14 days. Not only do our clients know what they are getting, they automatically get consistency.
Here’s the bottom line: Use your common sense. Practice diligence when purchasing, storing, and using up food. And never stop looking for reasonable ways to make food last longer and stretch further. Now, go out and read those labels.
*Thanks to Mary Hunt for parts of this draft.