TLH - Newsletter (englisch)
Used courtesy of Dickinson Cattle Co. USA

54th Anniversary Customer Appreciation Day Recap
Erstellt am: von Longhorn
DCC Ranch eNews #256 - 9-28-21
by Darol Dickinson
Celebrating the 54th Annual year of raising Texas Longhorn cattle at Dickinson Cattle Co was a joyous event with the annual Customer Appreciation Day, near Barnesville, Ohio. The goal is all our great friends, a beautiful time of year at the ranch, demonstrations of profitable procedures used at DCC, wonderful and sometimes wild and crazy great food, photos of everything, celebrity Longhorn lovers from all over, pasture bus tours, kids everywhere, and the star of the event is the great Texas Longhorn breed.
Now it is sad that you went to a junior girls mud wrestling, or a raw sushi eating contest, or a training session for unbattered husbands, a Taliban weapon fundraiser, or just forgot. It was your loss. To help you feel really depressed for missing out, here are some photos of the fun and educational day. Don't make the mistake to miss out next year.
Well before starting time guests and cattle buyers were lining up on Muskrat Road. It was a perfect Ohio Fall day. -
Eight beautiful cows sired by Drag Iron were gathered up close for hand feeding and visuals. All are either over 100" T2T or will be. -
Fifty head of heifers, bulls and feeder steers were offered at a reduced price for the day. Some of the AI sires were also in the bull barn for guests to see up close. -
Linda, the senior queen, was all over the place with her new knee replacement almost well. -
Every guest (nearly) was photographed with the ranch steer. This is the famous Colton Courtney New York family. -
Several demonstrations to assist customers in their business included gender change. This one was bloodless and only took one minute. Everyone encouraged the little bull that this was a good thing, but he had no idea of the long term ramifications. -
L to R. Colton Courtney, Darol Dickinson and famous Feral Fred. Presentations were on selecting and registering a brand, the Biden 3030 Land Grab, and investment ideas in a world where the government is continually reducing the dollar value. -
Cast members for the 2021 DCC Customer Appreciation Day. -
There is something special about a soon-to-be 100" T2T Drag Iron daughter wrapping her warm, slick, wet, rough tongue around your freshly hand sanitized appendage. What could be more unique after buying a half beef? -
The DCC Ranch feed included prime rib up to 20 oz., ranch baked beans, green salad, pulled pork, buns, and potato salad, marinated mushrooms, then cherry cobbler with ice cream. -
Kirk, with all his seasonings, flame blasting the prime rib after a 15 hour under water sous vide slow cook. Joel to the right thick slicing prime rib. -
Doug Burris stirring the marinated mushrooms in the plow disk/truck rim propane cooker. -
One of the best received demonstrations was dividing the bull calves into possible herd sires, exhibition steers, feeder steers and recreation steers. Fine points of factors making these decisions correctly. -
To reward attendees to the CAD, semen was on sale, one day only, for up to 70% off standard price. Charlie Bolton makes a major Drag Iron semen purchase. Linda packs the valuable straws -
Kara Dickinson and Harleigh Temple were seriously busy in the LHTT store during the CAD. The Pumpkin festival was in full blast in nearby Barnesville, so lots of drop in traffic. Feral Fred was hauling out large boxes of beef on the golf cart for those who could not park nearby. -
Dragon Fire, another Drag Iron daughter on display who will soon be 100" with her Macanudo heifer. -
Spokesman, one of the best semen sales bull of the day was quickly reunited with his cows at the end of his CAD display. His son Showman is homozygous black and hopefully exportable by spring of 2022.
A heart felt THANK YOU to all attending the CAD. What a great cast of helpers who did a great job to make our guest feel very special on Sept 25 in Ohio.
Dickinson Cattle Co., Inc.; 35000 Muskrat Rd.; Barnesville, OH 43713; 740 758-5050