TLH - Newsletter (englisch)
Used courtesy of Dickinson Cattle Co. USA

Used courtesy of Dickinson Cattle Co. USA

The 25th Annual - ORVTLA Show

Erstellt am: von Longhorn

Press Release for ORVTLA

President: Jeffery Morris 
           3711 Cole Rd 
           Perrysville, Ohio 44864 
           Phone: 419 565 7591

For Immediate Release Please

The 25th Annual - ORVTLA Show

The 25th annual ITLA Ohio River Valley Texas Longhorn Assn show was one of the best ever. It was held at the Wayne county fairground show-building at Wooster,
Ohio July 16. It was a cool day in Ohio and very pleasant for exhibitors and guests.

Competition was strong with exhibitors mostly from Ohio and also from Pennsylvania,
Indiana, Kentucky, and New Mexico. The Lovejoy Ranch, from Hondo, NM won 23 classes and numerous championships, pretty much hitting a home run in every division of the Mini Texas Longhorn secton.

ITLA president Larry Smith of Magdaline, NM was the first ITLA president to judge the ORVTLA show. John Moxley of New Market, Maryland judged the Youth Division.
ITLA president Larry Smith of Magdaline, NM was the first ITLA president to judge the ORVTLA show. John Moxley of New Market, Maryland judged the Youth Division.


Savannah Schar, of New Salem, Ohio, also VP of the Wooster Farmers National Bank took on the job of Show Chairman and what a great job she did.
Savannah Schar, of New Salem, Ohio, also VP of the Wooster Farmers National Bank took on the job of Show Chairman and what a great job she did.


In the Non-Halter division where the big horns compete, "So What" won All Age Grand Champion Female, exhibited by Joel Dickinson, Barnesville, Ohio.
In the Non-Halter division where the big horns compete, "So What" won All Age Grand Champion Female, exhibited by Joel Dickinson, Barnesville, Ohio. Taking in the seriousness of the event, standing in the back is Gary Hershburger, Doug Burris, judge Larry Smith and ORVTLA president Jeff Morris.


Judge Larry Smith awards "Dragon Fire" owned by Joel Dickinson All Age Reserve Champion.
Judge Larry Smith awards "Dragon Fire" owned by Joel Dickinson All Age Reserve Champion.


"Point Not" was judged All Age Grand Champion bull. He was shown by Brody Carpenter of Barnesville, Ohio and owned by Dickinson Cattle Co, Barnesville, Ohio. Reserve Champion was "Way More" shown by Bry Dickinson.
"Point Not" was judged All Age Grand Champion bull. He was shown by Brody Carpenter of Barnesville, Ohio and owned by Dickinson Cattle Co, Barnesville, Ohio. Reserve Champion was "Way More" shown by Bry Dickinson.

The next membership meeting of ORVTLA will be held August 20. To become a member contact Carice Jameson, 330 231 7777. If you missed this great show --- we are so sorry.

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Dickinson Cattle Co., Inc.; 35000 Muskrat Rd.; Barnesville, OH 43713; 740 758-5050